Egg Allergy in Kids

Just like any other food allergy, egg allergy also occurs because the body responds to specific proteins present in the egg. Peruse here to find out about the symptoms and prevention techniques. However, most allergies are hereditary, so if you and your accomplice have the hypersensitivity - odds are that your little one likewise has it.


  • When the body reacts to the proteins present in the egg and considers them harmful

  • Egg allergies can appear in infants if a breastfeeding mother ate egg

  • In infants 0 to 3 months, the allergic reaction can occur as infantile eczema (red, crusty patches on the baby's skin)

  • The allergic reactions start becoming severe between 6 to 15 months when babies start eating eggs

  • Likely to go away by the age of 3

  • Older children (3 years+) can sometimes retain their egg allergy


  • Weak pulse

  • Skin rashes

- First symptom to appear especially around the mouth

- Can become severe and turn into eczema (needs medical attention)

  • Swelling of the mouth

  • Another symptom to appear, sometimes even before rashes

  • The lips, tongue, back of the throat turns red and swells up

  • Itchy, watery, or red eyes

  • Abdominal pain and nausea 

- Diarrhoea

- Loose motion

- Stomach cramps

- Vomiting

  • Wheezing and congestion in the nose

  • Fever 

  • Anaphylactic shock or extreme allergic reaction 

- Muscle cramps leading to extreme stomach pain

- Swelling and inflammation in the throat and surrounding muscles

  • Difficulty in breathing

  • Rapid heartbeat followed by a drop in blood pressure

  • Leads to loss of blood to the brain, causing unconsciousness

  • An immediate doctor's inspection is needed

Note: For each kid, the allergic reaction might be different, and do not experiment with foods or medicines unless your doctor has advised doing so.