Read the conversation and practices it in the class.

Priyanka            : Hello, Jyoti.

Jyoti                   : Hello, Priyanka. Good Morning.

Anita                 : Good Morning everybody! How are you?

Priyanka, Jyoti : Very well, thank you, Anita. And You?

Anita                 : Quite well.

Useful English Greetings

Use the below vocabulary with your friends in your daily routine:


Meeting Phrases

Hello! Hi! HEY!
Good Morning! Good afternoon! Good evening!
How are you? Very well, thank you. And you?
How do you do? I am good, thank you.

Parting Phrases

Good Bye!
Have a good day. Good night! Sweet dreams
Have a nice day. Take care, Catch you later. See you, see you later